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Adult Faith

CREDO (Continuing Religious Education Opportunities)

CREDO is a laity led, self-directed group that spreads the good news of Jesus Christ among adults through educational and pilgrimage opportunities. Faith formation opportunities that are offered include Bible and other studies, the St. Cletus Purgatorial Society, speakers, mini-retreats, workshops, movie nights, trips to Catholic shrines, and maintaining the parish lending library. Quarterly meetings are held. Volunteers are welcome to participate or lead an activity. New people and new ideas are always welcome!
Contact: Deb Blecic

Purgatorial Society

The mission of the St. Cletus Purgatorial Society is to engage all faithful in unifying our prayers and sacrifices to benefit the holy souls who have gone before us. Our society will strive to cultivate a culture of consciousness of the solidarity amongst the Communion of Saints (Church Triumphant (Souls in Heaven) / Church Militant (Souls on Earth) / Church Suffering (Souls in Purgatory)) throughout all generations and reinforce the continual need of prayer and sacrifice for the relief of the suffering souls. May no soul ever be abandoned. May purgatory be emptied!

For more information click here.

Contact: Barb Pristo

Purgatorial Society Administrator

OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation for Adults)

The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) is a process designed for adults who, responding to God's grace, desire to become full members of the Catholic Church. Inquirers meet weekly and deepen their relationship with Jesus, as well as learning about Catholicism, and are received into the church at the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday.  The OCIA team, with participants, journeys with our enquirers and helps to form them in the faith.

Contact: Larry Manetti

Baptism Catechesis

Baptism is the first sacrament of initiation, welcoming a person into the Catholic Christian community, as well as into a particular parish family. The Baptismal Program seeks to prepare and promote the parents’ understanding of their life-long commitment to nurture faith in their child. The class meets monthly for about an hour and a half. If there are 2 facilitators, the time commitment is every other month for a class. Training for catechists is provided. Planning to implement and additional element to keep in contact with the newly baptized for 3 years. This can be done from home maintaining records and mailings. 

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